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CA Gen in DevOps: Panel Interview
IET will be participating in the forthcoming CA Gen in DevOps Panel Interview hosted by the CA Edge Community and Broadcom on 9th June.

Please join us as we discuss CA Gen in the enterprise DevOps lifecycle. This will be a continuation of conversations started by Broadcom with their CA Gen DevOps paper, based on an internal proof of concept of integrating CA Gen and Endevor.

Hosted by Kim Peelman, Product Owner, CA Gen,  the panel will share further insights about CA Gen and DevOps and also have an open discussion with attendees on DevOps requirements and seeking feedbakc to help with the direction of future initiatives around DevOps support.

The panellists are:
  • Darius Panahy: Director at IET with extensive experience enabling CA Gen customers to embrace DevOps using GuardIEn.
  • Dillon Harguess: Architect and Engineer for CA Gen who contributed to the recent proof-of-concept demonstrating building a z/OS CICS Blockmode Application with CA Endevor and Zowe.
  • Su Brude: Product Manager for CA Gen, guiding the vision to deliver value to customers.
  • Vaughn Marshall: Broadcom’s Product Manager for CA Endevor, an enterprise solution for source code and release management for z/OS.
For more information and registration details, please visit the CA Gen Edge Community.
Darius Panahy, IET Ltd

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