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Release 8.8 Highlights
Release 8.8 of the IET DevOps Suite (includes GuardIEn and other products previously installed with GuardIEn) is now available.

Highlights of the new release are detailed below and full details are available in the Release Notes which can be downloaded from here: https://www.iet.uk/Download/RelNotes.htm

64 bit Windows Servers
  • The Windows servers are now 64-bit.

GuardIEn API
  • Release 8.7 introduced a new web service API for the CSE installations that allowed programmatic access to GuardIEn Change Requests, Release Pack and System Update functions. In this release, the range of APIs has been extended to provide an API for C, Java and .Net via standard CA Gen proxies. The GuardIEn API is a separate download that contains the proxy interfaces and web service WSDL.

Password length 
  • To accommodate longer passwords and passphrases, the length of the GuardIEn userid password, encyclopaedia connection password and encyclopaedia FTP password has been changed to 100 characters and spaces are now supported in the password.

Text Search Change
  • In previous releases, text searches that used a SQL LIKE (for example searching text or names in Object List+ or names in Deliverable List) automatically appended a trailing ‘%’ in the search string. This reduced flexibility in the searches, for example by not allowing a search for a specific end string. A trailing % is no longer appended to the search string if it already contains a ‘%’ or ‘&’, so if you want to search for a string that is in the middle of a value, you will need to add a trailing %, i.e. search for ‘%XXX%’ not ‘%XXX’
Darius Panahy, IET Ltd

Messages In This Thread
Release 8.8 Highlights - by Darius Panahy - 2021-10-08, 10:42 AM
RE: Release 8.8 Highlights - by tkamal - 2021-10-09, 05:33 AM

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